Alliance Details - None []
Kills: 10267 Executor:
Losses: 9762 Members:
ISK destroyed: 2299.02B Start Date:
ISK lost: 986.19B Number of Corps:
Efficiency: 69.98%
Ship class K L
Assault Frigate 331 109
Battlecruiser 2342 1085
Battleship 2247 725
Black Ops 4 2
Cap. Industrial 1 1
Capsule 768 2643
Carrier 314 70
Command Destroyer 0 0
Command Ship 161 43
Covert Ops 231 359
Cruiser 943 736
Custom Office 1 24
Deployable Structure 6 12
Destroyer 139 381
Dreadnought 111 33
Ship class K L
Electronic Attack Ship 11 7
Exhumer 44 55
Freighter 9 10
Frigate 508 1254
Heavy Assault Cruiser 405 133
Heavy Interdiction Cruiser 108 37
Industrial 102 501
Industrial Command Ship 9 22
Infrastructure Modules 1 0
Interceptor 189 90
Interdictor 73 41
Jump Freighter 3 5
Logistics Cruiser 249 52
Logistics Frigate 0 0
Marauder 35 16
Ship class K L
Mining Barge 42 68
POS Large 21 24
POS Medium 8 20
POS Module 26 15
POS Small 9 31
Prototype Exploration Ship 1 1
Recon Ship 293 139
Shuttle 63 112
Strategic Cruiser 307 120
Supercarrier 7 7
Tactical Destroyer 17 11
Territory Modules 0 0
Titan 0 0
Transport 47 75
10267 Ships killed (2299.02B ISK)
9762 Ships lost (986.19B ISK)
69.98% Efficiency (ISK)
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Prototype Exploration Ship
Rooks and Kings
J150827 (0.0)
I: 1 C: 0
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location
Prototype Exploration Ship
J151718 (0.0)
I: 1 C: 0